#洗濯機(壊れても)無料回収実施中‼️ 重要なことは3回‼️
#Free collection of electrical appliances and metals unique to Wonder Shoji
#Washing machine (even if it breaks) is being collected free of charge!!️
#Washing machine (even if it breaks) is being collected free of charge!!️
#Washing machine (even if it breaks) is being collected free of charge!!️ The important thing is 3 times!!️
#Free cleaning up the vacant office several days
#Home appliances and electrical appliances that can't be placed in sales offices are outside
#Clean it and then turn it into recycling♻️
#I'll deliver it to the customer's home next week
#More than 2 work vehicles are dispatched today as well
#洗濯機(壊れても)無料回収実施中‼️ 重要なことは3回‼️
#Free collection of electrical appliances and metals unique to Wonder Shoji
#Washing machine (even if it breaks) is being collected free of charge!!️
#Washing machine (even if it breaks) is being collected free of charge!!️
#Washing machine (even if it breaks) is being collected free of charge!!️ The important thing is 3 times!!️
#Free cleaning up the vacant office several days
#Home appliances and electrical appliances that can't be placed in sales offices are outside
#Clean it and then turn it into recycling♻️
#I'll deliver it to the customer's home next week
#More than 2 work vehicles are dispatched today as well
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